Monday, August 23, 2010

Ghetto Concept and G Stars at the Urban Noise Festival

G7 took over the stage at Urban Noise Festival. Ghetto Concept, Kwajo Cinqo returned to the stage for the first time in five years. On his home turf of Rexdale, it was if he never left. He brought it back with "Still too Much" and kicked out new jams. Kwajo shared the stage with the Stars of G7 Records, J.J. Money, Reema Major, Marcus Voice and Scribblez. Look for big things coming from the G7 Universe soon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scratch and Biz Markie

Biz Markie and Scratch at Sound Academy presented by Five & Dime and

Last night I hit up Sound Academy to cover the event for Hip Hop Canada. Team Canada DJs hyped the crowd up.

Scratch from the Roots was the highlight of the night. He was a real showman, his beatboxing skills were phenomenal.

Biz Markie was a let down with his DJ set.

If you were with the 100 or so that suck around till after 1:30, got to hear Biz spit the verses for "Nobody Beats the Biz".